Are Courtland Sutton and Cameron Sutton related? Broncos' WR family explored

Publish date: 2024-05-29

Ahead of the 2023 NFL season, the Detroit Lions signed free agent cornerback Cameron Sutton. After playing collegiate football at Tennessee, he was selected as the 94th overall choice by the Pittsburgh Steelers in the third round of the 2017 NFL Draft.

Wide receiver Courtland Sutton is another NFL player with the same last name as Cameron. He was drafted by the Denver Broncos with the 40th overall choice in the second round of the 2018 NFL Draft.

Despite having the same last name and a mutual love and passion for football, Courtland and Cameron Sutton are not related by blood.

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Despite the fact that both were born in 1995, they were not born to the same parents. While Courtland Sutton was born in Brenham, Texas, in Oct. 1995 to Ryian Marshall and Phelicia Marshall, Cameron Sutton was born in Feb. 1995 to Dalton Sutton and Nedra Sutton.

Cameron Sutton committed to play collegiate football at the University of Tennessee after playing high school football at Jonesboro High School in Jonesboro, Georgia. He was drafted by the Steelers in 2017 and has since moved to the Detroit Lions.

As for Courtland Sutton, he committed to play collegiate football at Southern Methodist University after playing high school football at Brenham High School in Brenham, Texas. After an outstanding high school career, he turned down offers from Brigham Young University, University of Colorado and Rice University in favor of SMU.

Following a breakout sophomore campaign in 2016, where he caught 76 passes for 1,246 yards and 10 touchdowns, Courtland contemplated signing with an NFL team in 2017, but eventually opted to end his junior year of college.

He entered the 2018 NFL draft after finishing his junior year and was selected as the 40th overall pick by Denver.

Since joining the squad, Courtland Sutton has played a big role in the Broncos attack. Only Tyreek Hill (nine) has more touchdown catches in the NFL midway through the 2023 season than Sutton's eight this season.

Courtland Sutton's touchdown catch helped the Broncos extend their winning streak to four games

The Denver Broncos improved to 5-5 on the season, thanks to a soaring 15-yard touchdown reception made by Courtland Sutton.

He did so in the final moments of their Week 11 Sunday Night Football matchup with the Minnesota Vikings. With four wins in a row, Denver has the longest winning run in the league.

Russell Wilson, the Broncos' quarterback, threw a pass for Sutton to catch with 1:03 remaining. The 28-year-old receiver then dominated Minnesota's CB Mekhi Blackmon for his eighth touchdown of the season, giving the Broncos a 21-20 win.

The Broncos next play the Cleveland Browns in Week 12 next week as they look to extend their winning streak.

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