Celebrity Trainer Kelly LeVeques Tips on Avoiding Sugar this New Year

Publish date: 2024-05-05

New Year is here, and most of you must have added getting healthier or losing weight as one of your new year’s resolutions. Isn’t it true? So, here are a few tips on avoiding sugar by the trainer of leading celebs like Jessica Alba, Kate Walsh, Chelsea Handler, and Emmy Rossum that will help you with your health goals. Also, have a look at how you can use supplements smartly this year onwards!

(Kelly LeVeque / Instagram)

How to Avoid Sugar

Break the Habit

If you are addicted to sugar in any form be it soda, yogurt or gum, you should try to break this addiction by replacing it with a healthier option. For instance, soda should be replaced with sparkling or fruit infused water.

Read Labels

Read nutrition labels of every food, drink, snacks or staples you buy. Don’t be hooked on products that have high sugar content or where sugar is listed among the top 3 ingredients.

Remember “Ose”

A smart move by the sellers is to disguise sugar as words that end in “ose” like fructose, glucose, dextrose, maltose, sucrose, lactose, etc. So, you should avoid products with high levels of these too.

Keep Your Blood Sugar in Control

If the nutrition label only says that the product has added sugar, it doesn’t explain how the food would affect your blood sugar levels, you can easily calculate net carbohydrates by deducting fiber from the total carbohydrates. Reduce blood sugar by having fiber-rich foods and adding protein or fat to meals.

Eat Protein in Mornings

When you have protein in the morning, it will lower NPY (neuropeptide Y), a hormone that makes you crave carbohydrates and sugar.

Kelly LeVeque having greens (Kelly LeVeque / Instagram)

Choose Raw Fruits

When craving a drink, don’t go for sodas, sweet laden coffees or juices. Instead, drink water with cucumbers, lemon or strawberries. It will make water tastier. If you still want sugar, go for safer sweetener options like stevia or pick low-sugar drinks like pinot noir.

Increase Water Intake

Aim for drinking 10 glasses of water daily. Two of them as soon as you get up to ensure that your system is properly flushed out. This quantity of water would boost the blood volume and reduce glucose concentration.

Avoid Unhealthy Snacks

The supposedly “healthy snacks” like chia seed pudding, cold-pressed juice, canned food or even ketchup could be laden with sugar. Avoid such snacks and eat whole foods to sustain your health.

Try the Fab Four

The wellness expert suggests everyone must follow the fab four structure that includes fiber, fat, protein and greens. It reduces appetite and fills you with required energy.

Avoid Insulin Resistance

You can avoid insulin resistance by ensuring that you go to bed early every night. All your health efforts might fail when you don’t get enough sleep so, focus on a good night’s sleep every night!

Supplement Tips

The best-selling author also shared her views on how you can make sure the supplements help you to stay healthy for long. Here they are:

Use Activated Charcoal Wisely

Using activated charcoal to flush out the bad stuff from the body is the new trend. When following this trend, you should ensure that you use it sparingly and wisely. Have it when you have a hangover, or you overindulged a lot but don’t have it while having healthy meals or vital supplements like Omega 3 or multivitamins as it will sap the good nutrients and leave your body vulnerable.

Kelly LeVeque with her book (Kelly LeVeque / Instagram)

Don’t Overdo Soluble Vitamins

If you like to have vitamins B and C, make sure you don’t overdo them. Your body will just keep the amount it needs while the rest would be eliminated via urine. So, save your money by having only the needed amount after talking with a specialist. Don’t depend on ads as your information source.

Learn How To Take Supplements

It is one obvious fact that most of us forget. You can get all the essential nutrients from supplements only when you ensure your body absorbs them. So, you should learn how soon will a supplement be absorbed and how can you ensure that it’s absorbed quickly. For instance, if you have powdered greens with olive oil or coconut oil, it will be more beneficial than having them with water.

Liked the ideas? When are you going to follow them?

Featured Image by Kelly LeVeque / Instagram
