Should I let my hamster drink coffee?

Publish date: 2024-04-20

One morning, I gave Nibs, my hamster, a sip of my coffee on a teaspoon. He lapped it up and it gave him a lift: he was soon zipping around his cage, whereas he’s normally sleepy. Is there any harm in regularly sharing my morning cup of coffee with him?

KW, Lancashire

It’s fine to share tiny amounts of many foods with pets, but you need to be careful not to give anything remotely toxic: a hamster is so tiny that it’s easy to accidentally cause a big problem. Coffee contains caffeine, which could be poisonous to small creatures. Anyway, hamsters are meant to be sleepy in the morning: they’re nocturnal creatures. It’d be far kinder to leave him to snooze peacefully in his bed in the daytime.

How do you teach a dog to bark? There are plenty of products on the market to discourage annoying yapping, but nothing to encourage a response to the command “Speak”. I have a delightful yellow labrador, a former guide dog, who is beautifully trained, she just won’t “Speak”. I’d like her to bark to let me know that she wants to come in from the garden, and to warn me when visitors arrive.

BV, by email

There are plenty of folk out there who would love to have a dog that doesn’t bark: many people would suggest that you should count your blessings and enjoy the peace. In any case, service animals like guide dogs are encouraged not to bark from a young age because barking can be misinterpreted by humans as protectiveness or aggression. It’d be difficult now to reverse this and teach her to bark: a bit like training an honest person to be a thief. You may have more success teaching her different behaviours to get your attention when needed. Guide dogs are intelligent, and I spoke to a behaviourist who suggested a novel approach: you could install a simple doorbell at her level that she could learn to press if she needs to alert you about anything.

My two-year-old smooth-haired miniature dachshund, Leo, has thinning hair on his chin, armpits and belly. He’s otherwise very healthy, and is fed on a combination of premium wet and dry food, mixed together. Is there an effective anti-baldness treatment for male dogs?

SG, Ealing

It sounds as if Leo may have “pattern baldness”, which is a hereditary condition known to affect certain pedigree breeds, including dachshunds, Italian greyhounds, chihuahuas and some other fine-haired dogs. There are other possible causes, and the diagnosis would need to be confirmed by a biopsy, which would show “miniaturisation” of hairs, with hair follicles producing thinner, shorter, more brittle hairs with weaker shafts. These hairs are less dense than normal hair and lead to the appearance of hair loss. There is no effective treatment at the moment, but it is possible that one day, if they do finally discover a cure for human male baldness, it might also bring Leo back his lustrous locks.

Is there something addictive in dry cat biscuits? Our two-year-old cat, Twiggy, has recently gone off the wet food, preferring only the biscuits. She loves munching them so much that I think she’d keep eating until she burst if I let her.

AQ, Eastbourne

There’s no truth idea of commercial pet food having “addictive ingredients”. It’s common for some cats to have strong preferences for certain foods, and Twiggy is simply enjoying eating a highly appealing foodstuff. An all-dry diet is fine for some cats, but some caution is needed: it can be linked to an increased risk of some types of urinary tract disease. If Twiggy developed such a problem, she might need to change to a moist diet (i.e. only packets or tins) for the sake of her health.

For this reason, you should make sure she regularly eats some moist food by giving her a measured amount of dry food so that she’s hungry enough to want some moist food too. On a mixed diet like this, it will be far less stressful for her if she does need to change to a moist-food-only diet for health reasons at some stage in the future.

Help for older cats

A survey of UK cat owners showed that more than half (59 per cent) do not take their cat to the vet for regular checks, and 82 per cent have not considered taking their cat for an old-age check-up. Despite this, nearly two thirds (64 per cent) report that their pets show signs of ageing, and 30 per cent of owners admitted their cat could be obese. What’s more, three quarters (75 per cent) were unable to recognise the symptoms of chronic pain in their cat. Simple steps can help older cats live much better lives: if you won’t take your cat to the vet, at least take time to learn more about potential problems by visiting

Rescue pet of the week

Winnie and Wilf are both about a year old and were brought to Cats Protection's Farnham and Wey Valley branch after being abandoned when they were kittens. Winnie is very friendly whilst Wilf can be a little shy; Wilf also needs to follow a special diet. The branch would like to find them a home together, preferably with an enclosed garden and with no other pets or small children. If you live in the Farnborough area and would like to adopt them please call 01252 334 644.

Send pet problems to We regret that Pete cannot answer all letters personally. All sick animals should, of course, be taken to a vet
